When I first started working with Pardot, I remember being asked by my then manager which type of forms we should utilise across our website and marketing campaigns – Pardot Forms or Form Handlers?

Initially, I wasn’t sure myself as they do have many of the same features – most importantly both allowing you to convert unknown visitors to your website into known prospects and leads.

However, there are some key differences and depending on a few variables such as marketing strategy, team skills & expertise and access to development resource, one option may be more appropriate than another.

Below is a table outlining the the capabilities and limitations of both types of form, and some thoughts on when it may be best to use one type over the other.

Feature Pardot Form Form Handler
Present data duplication in Pardot YES YES
Validates email addresses YES YES
Integrates with Salesforce web to lead forms YES YES
Provides field level change audits for prospects YES YES
Base automation rules on form completions YES YES
Sends Pardot autoresponder emails YES YES
Provides Progressive Profiling YES
Protects against bots YES
Provides form views and error data YES
Integrate with Pardot Landing pages YES
Base automation rules on form views YES
Display Pardot Thank You content after form submission YES
Integrates with 3rd party forms YES
Maintains current lead flow YES
Supports custom front-end editing YES

Customising appearance

In my experience, although Pardot forms are easily customisable using the WYSIWYG (without any coding knowledge), getting them to appear exactly as though they are part of your existing digital estate can actually be quite tricky!

For one off or short term campaigns this might be OK, but for those forms which you’d want on your site more permanently (perhaps your company contact us form / online enquiry form) I have found Form Handler’s which allow for custom front-end editing a better option. This does however require easy access to the web developer looking after your website which is not always the case depending on the make up of your marketing department.

Taking advantage of Progressive Profiling

A key benefit to using Pardot Forms is the ability to take advantage of progressive profiling. This is where you initially ask for minimal (most relevant) information from your website visitor in order to convert them into a prospect, and then gradually obtain further details when they are more bought into your brand. This happens when the same visitor comes back to your site, (identified via cookies) and you specify which new fields of information you want to request in exchange for your gated content, allowing you to gradually learn more about your prospect.

Form Handlers do not allow for this functionality which is in my opinion their biggest draw back.


Both Pardot Forms and Form Handlers are great options to use when converting your web visitors to prospects that you can begin to nurture through your marketing efforts. Working out how you want to integrate your forms with your existing website and planned marketing campaigns (both long and short term) can affect which choice of form may be best for each particular circumstance. Taking a step back and planning how they will be used and their main purpose before implementing is key and will allow you choose the right option.

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